St. Anthony's Friary, #85, Hosur Road, (Near Madiwala Check Post), Bangalore-560095
About IQAC
The quest for quality and academic excellence has been the hallmark of IIPR College. The Internal
Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) spearheads the quality initiatives of the institution. Benchmarks are set in
tune with goals of higher education in India and the vision and mission of the institution. The cell
meticulously plans the quality drive of the institution by ensuring the quality culture, institutionalizing
and internalizing quality parameters in adherence to the norms of National Assessment and
Accreditation Council of India. The academic and administrative processes execute the quality
enhancement strategies developed by the cell to create a dynamic and innovative environment in the
campus. Institutional and external mechanisms are in place to monitor the thrust for quality. National
and international benchmarks serve as finger posts to develop best and distinctive practices.